
Video/Motion Picture Appearances

IMDb page:

2013. Red Ink, film by Kusha Sefat. 2013. Wisconsin Rising, film by Sam Mayfield.

2013Killswitch, video by Ali Akbarzadeh.

2012. Shadows of Liberty, film by Jean-Philippe Tremblay.

2012. Save KLSD: Media Consolidation and Local Radio, film by Jon Monday.

2006. Media & Politics in the United States Today, Voices Series, University of California, Santa Barbara 2004. Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism, film by Robert Greenwald.

2003. Orwell Rolls in His Grave, film by Robert Kane Pappas.

2003. Rich Media, Poor Democracy, produced by the Media Education Foundation, Northampton, Mass.

2001. Merchants of Cool. PBS Frontline Documentary. merchants-of-cool/

2001. Money for Nothing: Behind the Business of Pop Music, by the Media Education Foundation, Northampton, Mass.

2000Behind the Screens: Hollywood Goes Hypercommercial, produced by the Media Education Foundation, Northampton, Mass.

1997. Putting the Demo Back in Democracy, featuring Bob McChesney and the Mogul World Tour ’97, produced by Paper Tiger Television, New York, N.Y.

1997. Robert McChesney Takes On Media Globalization, produced by Paper Tiger Television, New York,

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