(Reprints preceded by *)
2015. Morten S. Smedsrud, “Medieprofessor slar alarm om tilsanden i amerikansk presse: ‘Naer bunnen’,” Klassekampen (Norway), 21 November, p. 49.
2015. Juan Miguel Baquero, “Robert McChesney: ‘El poder lucha hasta la muerte para evitar los cambios’,” El Diario Andalucia (Spain), 12 Septrember. http://www.eldiario.es/andalucia
2015. Premysl Houda, “Na Webu Radi Spehujici Kapitalismus,” Ceska Pozice (Czech Republic), 31 July. http://ceskapozice.lidovky.cz
2015. Jessica Desvarieux, “Trump Cast as Perfect Ringleader of Corporate Media Circus,” The Real News Netwok, 26 July. http://therealnews.com
2015. “Internet se vpil do kapitalismu. Monopol Googlu i Facebooku je t_eba rozbít, _íká McChesney,” Lidovky magazine (Czech Republic), 16 July. http://byznys.lidovky.cz
2015. Ajachi Chakrabarti, “The Buffer We Need: Interview with Robert McChesney,” Kindle magazine (India), 1 June. http://kindlemag.in/buffer/
2015. Joe Fantauzzi, “Reflections on McChesney: Problematics of Media Self-Regulation,” joefantauzzi.wordpress.com, 19 May. https://joefantauzzi.wordpress.com
2015. Asher Schechter, “’The truth is, there isn’t much journalism left’: Interview with Robert W. McChesney,” The Marker-Haaretz monthly magazine (Hebrew), April. http://www.themarker.com/
2015. Mark Karlin, “Robert McChesney: We Need to Advocate Radical Solutions to Systemic Problems,” Truthout, 4 January. http://www.truth-out.org
2014. Mat Ward, “Robert McChesney blows roof off the 21st century,” Green Left Weekly (Australia), 29 December. https://www.greenleft.org.au/node/58000
2014. Andy Robinson, “Elecciones EE.UU.: Bienvenido a la dolarocracia,” La Vanguardia (Barcelona), 4 November. http://www.lavanguardia.com
2014. Maria Gabriela Toro, “La comunicacion comunitario, a debate: Un simposio reune distintas visiones de las politicas mediaticas,” El Comercio (Quito, Ecuador), 29 October, p. 20.
2014. David Farquhar, “Phil Kerpen, Net Neutrality, and Socialism: A Post-Mortem,” The Silicon Underground, September. http://dfarq.homeip.net
2014. Tom Gara, “In the Facebook Era, Whose Afraid of the Old Media Giants?” Wall Street Journal, 17 July. http://stream.wsj.com/story/latest-headlines/SS-2-63399/SS-2-580660/
2014. “McChesney: <<Gli USA: Sono un’oligarchia>>,” Trentino Corrierealpi, 1 June. http://trentinocorrierealpi.gelocal.it
2014. “Is The Internet Damaging the Economy?” Global CEO magazine, 28 May. http://globalceo.com/is-the- internet-damaging-the-economy/
2014. Paul Jay, “Will New FCC Internet Regulations Strengthen Monopoly Control?” Truthout, 1 May. http://www.truth-out.org
2014. Sally Burch, ¿Como desmonopolizar Internet? Entrevista con Robert McChesney,” America Latina en Movimiento, April, pp.15-20, http://www.alainet.org/publica/alai494w.pdf ;
English Language translation “Interview with Robert McChesney: How can Internet be De-monopolized?” http://www.alainet.org/publica/alai494w-en.pdf
2014. Mano Singham, “Home money came to so dominate politics in the US,” Freethoughtsblog.com, 28 January. http://freethoughtblogs.com
2014. Robert Feinberg, “Progressives Also Complain About Washington,” MoneyNews, 17 January. http://www.moneynews.com
2013. John Sullivan, “PR fills the void left by shrinking newsrooms,” Vancouver Observer, 24 November. https://www.vancouverobserver.com
2013. Ray Still, “Dollarocracy vs. Democracy: The Political System of America,” Cooper Point Journal (Olympia, Wash.), 21 November. http://www.cooperpointjournal.com
2013. Robert Eversmann, “Visiting Authors Examine ‘Dollarocracy’: Political Spending, They Say, Needs to be Kept in Check,” PSU Vanguard, 20 November. http://psuvanguard.com
2013. Tim Glynn-Burke, “Robert McChesney and John Nichols Want You to Help Break Apart the Money- Media-Elections Complex,” Challenges to Democracy (publication of Harvard Kennedy School), 19 November. http://www.challengestodemocracy.us
2013. Janine Unsoeld, “Dollarocracy and the Movement to Amend the Constitution,” Little Hollywood, 17 November. http://www.janineslittlehollywood.blogspot.com/
2013. Diane Han, “The Dollar is Power,” The Daily (University of Washington student newspaper), Seattle, Wa., 12 November. http://dailyuw.com/archive/2013/11/12/news/dollar-power#.UofqieKKKtk
2013. Don Smith, “John Nichols and Robert McChesney Speak at Seattle Town Hall,” Washington Liberals, 12 November. http://waliberals.org
2013. Patrick Reilly, “A Big Stuff Moment,” The Gate (University of Chicago publication), 13 November. http://uchicagogate.com/2013/11/13/a-big-stuff-moment/
2013. Bill Moyers, “How Big Money & Big Media Undermine Democracy,” Moyers and Company, Public Broadcasting Service, 8 November. http://billmoyers.com
2013. Mitch Perry, “John Nichols & Robert McChesney remain optimistic despite how America has become a ‘Dollarocracy’,” Daily Loaf (Tampa), 28 October. http://cltampa.com
2013. Fletcher Farrar, “Just give me a moment: Could the U.S, be heading for an era of great reform?” Illinois Times, 24 October. http://illinoistimes.com/article-13003-just-give-me-a-moment.html
2013. “Living in the ‘Dollarocracy’: Contribution over criticism,” The Los Angeles Loyolan, 24 October. http://www.laloyolan.com
2013. Courtney Kronschnabel, “Fixing Dollarocracy with Democracy,” Ethical Action, 13 October. http://ethicalaction.wordpress.com/2013/10/13/fixing-dollarocracy-with-democracy/
2013. Carolinew Devane, “When Dollars Dictate Democracy,” Ethical Action, 13 October. http://ethicalaction.wordpress.com/2013/10/13/when-dollars-dictate-democracy/
2013. Timothy Bidon, “Corporations Running the Show,” Dazed and Independent, 8 October. http://timothybidon.wordpress.com/2013/10/08/corporations-running-the-show/
2013. Pritha Kejriwal, “Cutting Through the Web,” Kindle (India), October, pp. 18-25. http://kindlemag.in/cutting-through-the-web/
2013. Brandon Adelbock, “Visiting writer discusses free press and media policy,” The Ithacan, 27 September. http://theithacan.org/news/visiting-writer-discusses-free-press-and-media-policy/
2013. Brian Tom, “’Dollarocracy’ author comes to Main Campus,” The Temple News, 24 September. http://temple-news.com/living/2013/09/24/dollarocracy-author-comes-main-campus/
2013. “McChesney lowers the boom on the myth of ‘liberal media bias,” voiceofrussia.com, 22 September. http://voiceofrussia.com
2013. David Maley, “Media Scholar to Discuss ‘Corporate Dominance of Internet, Media and Politics’ at Ithaca College,” ithaca.edu, 18 September. http://www.ithaca.edu
2013. “Rapport fra framtida,” Klassekampen (Oslo, Norway), 9 September. http://www.klassekampen.no/61926/article/item/null/rapport-fra-framtida
2013. Mat Ward, “Media critic Robert McChesney unravels a web tangled in capitalism,” Green Left Weekly
(Australia), 13 September. http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/54930
2013. Craig Chamberlain, “Capitalism and democracy not compatible on the Internet, author says,” The Rock River Times, 4-10 September. http://rockrivertimes.com
2013. Eric Ruder, “The Death of Journalism? Interview: Robert McChesney,” socialistworker.org, 29 August. http://socialistworker.org/2013/08/29/the-death-of-journalism
2013. Mark Karlin, “John Nichols and Robert McChesney: Progressives Ask for Too Little, Not Too Much, in Age of Plutocratic Rule,” truthout.com, 14 August. http://www.truth-out.org
2013. “How the Washington Post’s New Owner Aided the CIA, Blocked WikiLeaks & Decimated the Book Industry,” Democracy Now!, 7 August. http://www.democracynow.org/2013/8/7/how_the_washington_posts_new_owner
2013. Jesse Phillippe, “Robert McChesney on the Wicked Wild West of the Corporate Media,” nowcomment.com, 29 July. http://nowcomment.com/documents/12279#.UfbjZKxKw_R
2013. Roman Berger, “Internet: Das staatlich-private Überwachungssystem,” Infosperber (Switzerland), 3 July. http://www.infosperber.ch/Artikel/Medien/Internet-Uberwachung-Public-private-partnership
2013. Isaiah J. Poole, “An Independence Day Imperative: Defeat the ‘Dollarocracy’,” Campaign for America’s Future blog, 3 July. http://blog.ourfuture.org
2013. Robert W. McChesney and Dan Hind (Interviewer), “When we talk about the Internet, we are talking about the bone marrow of contemporary monopoly capitalism,” openDemocracy.net, 2 July. http://www.opendemocracy.net
2013. Steve Tarter, “New book charges that big money and big media have ruined our government,” http://blogs.pjstar.com/mindingbiz/, 2 July.
2013. Christof Munger, “In Washington regiert heute ein militarisch-digitaler Komplex,” Tages-Anzeiger
(Switzerland), 21 June.
2013. Serena Danna, “Contro gli oligopoli digitali,” Corriere della Sera (Italy), 12 May. http://lettura.corriere.it/contro-gli-oligopoli-digitali/
2013. Steve Tartar, “Web not the savior some predicted,” Peoria Journal-Star, 11 May. http://business-news.thestreet.com
2013. “Why is the BBC a State Television? An Interview with Bob McChesney,” Geopolitika (Serbia), May 2013, pp. 32-35.
2013. Steve Tartar, “Don’t look for the Internet to save journalism, says author,” Peoria Journal-Star, April 26, 2013. http://blogs.pjstar.com
2013. “FDL Book Salon Welcomes Robert W. McChesney, Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism is Turning the Internet Against Democracy,” fireddoglake.com, 21 April. http://fdlbooksalon.com
2013. Anne Elizabeth Moore, “Can Capitalism Tolerate a Democratic Internet? An Interview with Media Expert Robert McChesney,” truth-out.org, 19 April. http://truth-out.org
2013. “Digital Disconnect: Robert McChesney on ‘How the Internet is Turning the Internet Against Democracy,” Democracy Now!”, April 5. http://www.democracynow.org/2013/4/5/digital_disconnect_robert_mcchesney_on_how
2013. David Schwartz, “New Books in Journalism: Interview with Robert W. McChesney,” April 4. http://newbooksinjournalism.com
2013. Craig Chamberlain, “Capitalism and democracy not compatible on the Internet, author says,” The Rock River Times, 4-10 September.http://phys.org/news/2013-03-capitalism-democracy-compatible-internet-author.html
2013. Justin Dowdall, “Interview with Robert W. McChesney,” figureground.ca, 25 February. http://figureground.org/interview-with-robert-mcchesney/
2012. Anders B. Rasmussen, “Eksperter: Journalisterne taber valget,” Nyhederne (Denmark), 5 November. http://nyhederne.tv2.dk/article.php/id-59722679:eksperter-journalisterne-taber-valget.html?rss
2012. “U.S. Media Giants Reel as FCC Orders Disclosure of Rates for Billion-Dollar TV Campaign Advertising,” Democracy Now!, 3 May. http://www.democracynow.org/2012/5/3/us_media_giants_reel_as_fcc
2012. Paul Jay, “U.S. Electoral System Wallowing in a Sea of Money, Idiocy and Corruption,” Real News Network, 25 April. http://therealnews.com
2012. Gregory Flannery, “Occupy the Newsroom,” Article 25, March 30, 2012. http://article25news.wordpress.com/2012/03/30/occupy-the-newsroom/
2011. Alfred Hermida, “Robert McChesney on Money, Politics and the Press in the US,” reportr.net, 9 September. http://www.reportr.net
2011. Chen Shihua, “Robert McChesney: A Critic and Construtor in Critical Communiuction Studies,” Journal of International Communication (China).
2011. Austin Indymedia, “Web Exclusive McChesney Interview,” with Matt Tedrow, Austin Independent Media Center, 11 February. http://blip.tv/file/4756481
2011. Michael King, “Beyond the Super Bowl,” Austin Chronicle, 4 February. http://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2011-02-04/beyond-the-super-bowl/
2010. Jeremy Glantz, “20 Questions with Robert McChesney and John Nichols,” In These Times website, 18 May. http://www.inthesetimes.com/community/20questions/6002/robert_mcchesney_and_john_nichols/
2010. Brian Lowry, “Can TV News Be Saved?” Variety, October 24, 2010. http://variety.com/2010/tv/news/can-tv-news-be-saved-1118018223/
2010. Robert Hirschfield, “Media Matters and the Universal Multitude –Part II,” Smile Politely, 7 April. http://www.smilepolitely.com/culture/media_matters_and_the_universal_multitude_-_part_ii/
2010. Robert Hirschfield, “Media Matters and the Universal Multitude I,” Smile Politely, 2 April. http://www.smilepolitely.com/culture/interview_with_bob_mcchesney/
2010. Anthony Carranza, “The Future of Journalism in the Internet Age,” Minneapolis Tech Culture Examiner, 2 April. http://www.examiner.com
2010. Derrick Jensen, “Interview with Robert W. McChesney,” In. Derrick Jensen, Resistance Against Empire, PM Press.
2010. David Brancaccio. “An Interview with Robert W. McChesney.” In Barbara Jo Krieger, Paul G. Saint-Amand, Warren A. Neal, Alan L. Steinberg, editors, Inquiry, Argument, & Change: A Rhetoric with Readings. Kendall Hunt: pp. 462-468.
2010. Michael Barker, “Media for Freedom?” louisproyect.org, 31 March. http://louisproyect.org/2010/03/31/media-for-freedom/
2010. Helene Schilders, “Ther Death and Lifer of American Journalism,” denieuwereporter, 19 February. (Netherlands) http://www.denieuwereporter.nl/2010/02/the-death-and-life-of-american-journalism/
2010. Teresa Valley, “Fordham Hosts Events for Discussion of ‘Death and Life of Journalism’,” Fordham Observer, 18 February. http://www.fordhamobserver.com
2010. “Robert McChesney and John Nichols on ‘The Death and Life of American Journalism: The Media Revolution that will Begin the World Again,” Democracy Now!, 4 February. http://www.democracynow.org/2010/2/4/robert_mcchesney_and_john_nichols_on
2010. Alex Spanko, “Three to See: Saving Journalism,” Boston Globe, 2 February. http://www.boston.com/ae/books/articles/2010/02/02/duo_supports_government_supported_journalism/
2010. Matthew Rothschild, “Why We Need to Subsidize Journalism: An Exclusive Interview with Robert W. McChesney and John Nichols,” The Progressive, 24 January. http://www.progressive.org/wx012410.html
2009. Dave Evensen, “High Noon for the News: Robert McChesney thinks government can save the news—but not without a fight,” LAS News, Fall, pp. 8-9.
2009. Tanner Mirrlees, “Media Capitalism, the State and 21st Century Media Democracy Struggles: An Interview with Robert McChesney,” The Bullet, 9 August. http://www.socialistproject.ca/bullet/246.php
2009. Choi Jinbong, “Cross-ownership helping the profit-seeking motives of commercial media,” Hankyoreh Daily (Korea), August.
2009. “Robert McChesney on Media and Democracy,” Grits & Roses, 10 June.
2009. “A Minute With… Robert McChesney, expert on media economics and reform,” University of Illinois website, 30 March.
2009. “Robert McChesney on the Death and Life of Great American Newspapers,” Democracy Now, 27 March. http://www.democracynow.org/2009/3/27/robert_mcchesney_on_the_death_and
2009. Ryan Blethen, “Amid the Rubble, Hope for Journalism is Stirring,” The Seattle Times, 27 March. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/opinion/2008930848_opina27ryan.html
2009. Pascal Zwicky, “Ohne staatliche Interventionen als Fundament für einen besseren Journalismus geht es nicht,” Carta, 26 March. http://www.carta.info/7003/staatliche-intervention-journalismus/
2008. “50 Visionaries Who Are Changing the World,” Utne Reader, November-December, p. 39. http://www.utne.com/2008-11-13/50-visionaries-who-are-changing-your-world.aspx/#axzz2lgmemJ4J
2008. Micha Odenheimer, “Your Free Internet is in Danger,” Eretz Acheret (Israel), issue no. 45, May-June. http://acheret.co.il/en/?cmd=articles.323&act=read&id=2041
2008. Marc Eisen, “Bob McChesney Discusses Online Journalism and the Cap Times,” Isthmus Daily Page, 24 April. http://www.thedailypage.com/daily/article.php?article=22420
2007. Paul Schmelzer, “The Fast Lane and the Dirt Path: Corporate Media, Democracy and the FCC,” Minnesota Monitor, 5 November. http://eyeteeth.blogspot.com
2007. Tom Barrett, “News Media Revolt: Canada Next: Activist Scholar McChesney Rallies Growing Movement,” The Tyee, 29 October. http://thetyee.ca/Mediacheck/2007/10/29/MediaReform/
2007. Craig Chamberlain, “Professor: Communication system at critical juncture, time for action is now,” University of Illinois website, 15 October. http://www.news.uiuc.edu/news/07/1015comm.html
2007. “Going Postal: Interview with Robert McChesney,” On the Media, 11 May. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=45&ved=0CFQQFjAEOCg&url
=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.prc.gov%2F%28S%284hd30vzitgfpw12geen24ezn%29%29%2Fprc- docs%2Flibrary%2Frefdesk%2Fspeeches%2Fgoldway%2FGoingPostal.pdf&ei=_vu-UsnzDsSEygGvhIDICw&usg=AFQjCNHNdBGPjuIsqLBO1unxmBejbr7iPw&sig2=OWOrDzREMHq XUT4VjXDZLA&bvm=bv.58187178,d.aWc
2007. “Interview with Robert W. McChesney,” Free Press, January. http://www.photo400.com
2007. Trevor Aaronson, “Free Press Takes on Corporate Ownership,” Memphis Commercial-Appeal, 3 January. http://www.commondreams.org/headlines06/0103-52.htm
2006. “COPE Telecom Bill Affects Net Neutrality, Local Cable Franchises and Funding for Public Access,” Robert W. McChesney interviewed by Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!, 8 May. http://www.democracynow.org/2006/5/8/cope_telecom_bill_affects_net_neutrality
2006. Paul Wood, “Professor Labeled a Dangerous Academic,” The News-Gazette (Champaign-Urbana), 23 March. http://www.news-gazette.com
2006. Shinichi Ikeo, “Media Monopoly in US ‘more profits, less fairness’,” The Tokyo Shinbum, 5 January. 2006. David Barsamian, “The Problem of the Media: David Barsamian interviews Robert McChesney,” Z
Magazine. http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/McChesney/Problem_Media_interview.html
2005. Frazier Moore, “’Tragedy and Farce’ Book Blames Government for Media Crisis,” Associated Press, 9 December. (appeared in more than 50 daily newspapers.)
2005. “Free Media? An Interview with Robert McChesney,” The Nonprofit Quarterly, Fall, pp. 20-21. 2005. Melissa Merli, “Attracting a Diverse Audience: Growing number of listeners tuning in to Bob
McChesney’s WILL radio show,” The News-Gazette (Champaign-Urbana), 7 November, pp. C1, C2.
2005. Robert W. McChesney interviewed by David Brancaccio on NOW. 5 August. http://www.pbs.org/now/transcript/transcriptNOW131_full.html
2005. Joseph McCombs, “No News, Good News: Talking with Media Agitator Robert McChesney about Propaganda, PBS, and punditry,” Village Voice online, 13 July. http://www.villagevoice.com/people/0528,interview,65909,24.html
2005. Aniko Bodroghkozy, “Media Studies for the Hell of It: Second Thoughts on McChesney and Fiske,”
Flow, 27 May. http://flowtv.org/?p=582
2005. “A ‘Right-Wing Coup’ at PBS and the CPB? A Roundtable Discussion on the Future of Public Broadcasting,” Democracy Now!, 12 May. http://www.democracynow.org/2005/5/12/a_right_wing_coup_at_pbs
2005. “Robert W. McChesney is Working to Reclaim Our Free Press: A BuzzFlash Interview,” BuzzFlash, 28 April. http://www.buzzflash.com/interviews/05/03/int05017.html
2005. Aaron Sarver, “The Media Movement Matures,” In These Times, 17 January, p. 10. http://www.unz.org/Pub/InTheseTimes-2005jan17-00010
2004. Anthony Ha, “The Problem of the Media,” MotherJones.com, 4 October. http://www.motherjones.com/news/qa/2004/10/09_401.html
2004. Amy Goodman, “Taking Back the Airwaves: Community Station KGNU Buys Commercial Denver Station,” Democracy Now!, 21 September. http://www.democracynow.org/2004/9/21/taking_back_the_airwaves_community_station
2004. Brian K. Mahoney, “The Problem of the Media: An Interview with Robert McChesney,” Chronogram, July, pp. 16-23. http://www.chronogram.com
2004. Frazier Moore, “Cleaning Up the Media Isn’t the Best Way to Straighten Out the Media,” Associated Press, 24 June.
2004. Knute Berger, “The Anti-Monopolist,” The Seattle Weekly, 5-11 May, p. 9. http://www.seattleweekly.com/2004-05-05/news/the-anti-monopolist/
2004. Michael Stoll, “Activists aim to limit reach of monopoly media: McChesney, Mander offer antidote to ‘hyper-commercialism’,” Grade the News, 6 May. http://www.gradethenews.org/pages2/mcchesney.htm
2004. Kristine Theodorakos, “Media Awareness Day 2004: Dr. Robert McChesney and ‘The Problem of the Media’,” CMS Review (Niagara, N.Y.), Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 1-2.
2004. Juan Gonzalez, “Interview with Robert W. McChesney,” Democracy Now!, 23 April. http://www.democracynow.org/2004/4/23/the_problem_of_the_media_u
2004. Anthony Violanti, “Journalists Like to be Spoon-fed, Critic Says,” Buffalo News, 26 March.
2004. Daniel McLeod, “Media Reform: Daniel McLeod Interviews Robert W. McChesney,” Z Magazine, January, pp. 24-26.
2003. Monika Metykova, “Media nemohou byt deregulavana: Rozhovor s Robertem W. McChesneym,” Revue Pro Media (Czech Republic), summer, pp. 14-17.
2003. Paul Schmelzer, “An Opening Salvo: Robert McChesney on Democracy, the FCC, and Launching a Media Revolution,” 5 July. http://eyeteeth.blogspot.com/2003_06_29_eyeteeth_archive.html
2003. Steve Behrens, “Dereg Struggle Seen Assisting Public TV,” Current, Vol. 22, No. 10, June 16, 2003, pp.
1-13. http://www.current.org/2003/06/dereg-struggle-seen-assisting-public-tv/
2003. “Journalists/CBC Need Strong Unions,” website of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, 16 June.
2003. Robert Nolan, “Global Q&A: International News Coverage and the FCC,” Global Views: Foreign Policy Association Newsletter, 11 June. http://www.fpa.org/topics_info2414/topics_info_show.htm?doc_id=175973
2003. Nathan Bierma, “Robert McChesney: Media Watcher,” Chicago Tribune, 25 May. http://articles.chicagotribune.com
2003. Anthony DiMaggio, “Interview: Media Critic Robert McChesney,” indy (Bloomington-Normal, Ill.), Vol. 2, No. 25, 16 April, p. 8.
2003. Bill Moyers, “Bill Moyers Talks with John Nichols and Robert W. McChesney, PBS website, 21 February. http://www.pbs.org/now/transcript/transcript_nicholsmcchesney.html
2003. Joshua Glenn, “Knocking the News Nabobs,” The Boston Sunday Globe, 26 January, Section H,
p. 3.
2003. Meria Heller, “Deliberate ‘Dumbing Down’ of America: Meria with Robert McChesney.” In Meria Heller, The Awakening of an American: How My Country Broke My Heart. Tempe, Arizona: Dandelion Books, pp. 221-249.
2002. William E. Powell & Mary L. Kelly-Powell, “Media and Society: An Interview With Robert McChesney,” Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, Vol. 83, No. 5/6, September-December, pp. 567-572.
2002. “Interviewing Robert McChesney About His New Book, Our Media, Not Theirs,” Znet, 25 October. http://www.zcommunications.org
2002. Jonathan Mendelson, “Media, A Clear and Present Danger to Democracy,” Los Angeles Loyolan, October 23, pp. 8-9.
2002. Debbie Rasmussen, “Bob McChesney on Teaching Journalism,” The Madison Insurgent, Volume 2, Number 5, October, p. 9.
2002. Jared Ball, “Interview with Professor Robert McChesney,” Organized C.O.U.P, September. 2002. “Let Them Eat Cake,” Telephony, 2 September, p. 32.
2002. Katharine Mieszkowski, “Deregulation’s big lie,” Salon.com, 16 July. http://salon.com/tech/feature/2002/07/16/telecom_crisis/index.html
2002. “McChesney Challenges Listeners to be Critical Media Consumers,” Patterns, June.
2002. “Wally Bowen interviews Robert McChesney,” MAIN website, 6 May. http://main.nc.us/mcchesney/ 2002. John K. Wilson, “Richer Media, Poorer Democracy,” The Indy, Bloomington-Normal, Illinois, April. 2002. Drew Ringo, “Making Music: These Days Becoming a Pop Star Takes More than Talent and Good
Looks,” pbskids.org, 14 April.
2002. Steve Listopad, “McChesney Defrags the Media,” High Plains Reader (Fargo, N.D), Vol. 8, No. 31, 18 April, p. 5.
2002. Brian Sarzynski, “Thinking Outside the Vox (Populi): An Interview with Outspoken Media Critic Robert McChesney,” mountainx.com, Vol. 8, No. 23, 27 March.
2002. “Robert McChesney Hosts a Look at the Media,” Patterns, April, p. 23.
2002. Scott Harris, “Robert McChesney on the FCC and Media Mergers,” Between the Lines, Independent Media Center, 12 March.
2002. Kristian Knudsen, “Bob McChesney Interview About Media Consolidation and Lee Publishing,” Madison Independent Media Center, 20 February.
2001. Douglas Rushkopf, “Interview: Robert McChesney,” Frontline for Merchants of Cool documentary, PBS website. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/cool/interviews/mcchesney.html
2001. Matthew Berliant, “The US Media and World War III: Robert McChesney Speaks,” Confluence, Winter.
Vol. 7, No. 5.
2001. “Nine Pioneers of Mental Environmentalism,” Adbusters, No. 36, November-December. 2001. Ivan Briscoe, “La convergence des cartels,” Le Courrier de UNESCO, October, p. 46.
2001. Ron Legro, “McChesney gives media poor marks on coverage,” Foreign Policy Watchdog, Fall, p. 4. 2001. Jessica Clark: “Nattering Networks, How Mass Media fail Democracy: An Interview with Bob
McChesney,” LiP Magazine, 24 September.
2001. John Tarleton and Mary Ann Thompson, “The Media Go to War: An Interview with Robert McChesney,” The Indypendent (New York, New York), 13 September. http://www.johntarleton.net/media_war.html
2001. Tomas Polvall, “Medierna som demokratins dodgravare,” Norrländska Socialdemokraten, 25 June. 2001. Tomas Polvall, “Media – hot mot demokratin,” Vestmanlands Läns Tidning 26 June.
2001. Par Jansson “Medieforskaren Robert McChesney:’medierna passiviserar medborgarna’.” Journalisten
(Sweden), 15 May.
2001. Thord Eriksson, “’Foretagens dominans maste brytas’,” Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm), 12 May, p. B4. 2001. Lars Berge, “Amerikansk medieprofessor malar dyster framtidsbild,” Svenska Dagbladet, 12 May, p. 2 2001. Mikael Stromberg, “Jur dum far man bli?” Aftonbladet, 2 May, pp. 4-5.
2001. Durga Rahunath, “Rich and Poor: Corporate Media are a Danger to Democracy,” Bloomington Independent, 19 April.
2001. Rita Csapo-Sweet, “Media and Democracy: An Interview with Robert W. McChesney,” St.
Louis Journalism Review, March 2001, pp. 20-22.
2001. Dan Josefsson, “Media Giants Kill Democracy,” ETC. (Sweden), 1 March. http://www.etc.se/nyhet/mediejättarna-dödar-demokratin
2001. “Interview: Robert McChesney,” Frontline website, 27 February. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/cool/interviews/mcchesney.html
2001. Steffen Grimberg, “Eine neue Kultur des Weglassens,” Die Tageszuitung (Berlin), 13-14 January, p. 22. http://www.taz.de/1/archiv/?id=archivseite&dig=2001/01/13/a0135
2000. Birgitte Rahbek, “Den fjerde statsmagt som supermagt,” Politiken (Copenhagen), 3 December, section 5, p. 3.
2000. Josef Katzrincker, “Pluralidad de opiniones en Internet o una inocente ilucion?” baquia.com. 27 November.
2000. Ingid Scheithauer, “Wall Street gibt den Ton an Robert McChesney uber die US-Medien und die Wahl,” Frankfurter Rundschau, 15 November, p. 25.
2000. How the Internet is Affecting Politics: An Interview with Robert McChesney,” CIO.com, 23 October.
2000. Bryan G. Pfeifer, “UWM Post exclusive: An interview with media critic Bob McChesney,” The UWM Post, 20 September, pp. 6-7.
2000. Daniel Zoll, “Rich Media, Poor Democracy: An interview with Robert McChesney,” San Francisco Bay Guardian.com, 20 September.
2000. Ling Liu, “Why Bob McChesney Thinks the Way He Does,” College of Communications Alumni News (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Fall, pp. 14-15.
2000. Bryan G. Pfeifer, “UWM Post exclusive: An interview with media critic Bob McChesney,” The UWM Post, 13 September, pp. 8-9.
2000. Derrick Jensen, “Free Press For Sale, How Corporations Have Bought the First Amendment: An Interview with Robert McChesney,” The Sun, September, pp. 4-13. http://www.daclarke.org/WTChit/McChesney.html
2000. Sheri Herndon, “Moving the Media Revolution Forward: Interview with Robert W. McChesney,” Independent Media Center-Seattle, 28 August. http://www.ratical.org
2000. Mark Gabrish Conlan, “Robert McChesney: Can Democracy Survive Media Mega-Mergers?” Zenger’s Magazine, June.
2000. *David Barsamian, “Media Matters: An Interview with Robert McChesney,” Soundstage (The Netherlands), May. http://www.icce.rug.nl/~soundscapes/VOLUME03/Media_matters0.shtml
2000. Dan Josefsson, “De Globala Mediemonopolen — En Lagresrapport I Fyra Akter,” ETC (Sweden), Number 3, pp. 60-70.
2000. Eric Black, “Media undermine democracy, author says,” Minneapolis Star Tribune, 27 April, p.
2000. Christopher Ott, “Media-ocrity: Author Bob McChesney talks to his local newspaper about the media and offers a diagnosis of what’s wrong, along with some suggestions for improvement,” Design, Spring, pp. 16-18.
2000. Sharon Bloyd-Peshkin, “Students for Sale: The campaign Against Channel One; an interview with Professor Robert W. McChesney,” Chicago Parent, April, pp. 56-57.
2000. Sheila Nopper, “Bottleneck Democracy: An exclusive interview with author and media critic Robert McChesney,” Illinois Times, 23-29 March, pp. 12-13. http://www.obligation.org
2000. David Barsamian, “Rocket Science: Robert McChesney on private power, public power and how corporate media subvert democracy,” mediachannel.org, 15 March.
2000. Dan Josefsson, “Mediejattarna Dodor Demokratin: Stor Intervju Med Robert W. McChesney,” www.etc.se (Swedish), 10 February.
2000. David Barsamian, “Monopolies, NPR, & PBS: An Interview with Robert McChesney,” Z Magazine, February, pp. 40-46.
2000. Eric Ruder, “The SW Interview: Robert McChesney,” Socialist Worker, 4 February, p. 13. 2000. Rex Nutting, “Big media antidemocratic: AOL-Time Warner kills independent Net,” CBS MarketWatch www.CBSmarketWatch.com, 12 January.
1999. Christopher Ott, “Media-ocrity: Madison author Bob McChesney offers a diagnosis of what’s wrong with the media, along with prescriptions for how to fix it,” Isthmus, 17 December, pp. 10-11.
1999. Jennifer K. Ruark, “Interview,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, Vol. 46, No. 12, 12 November. 1999. Richard Heffner, “Rich Media, Poor Democracy,” The Open Mind, 3 November.
1999. Lee Nichols, “Our Dubious Times: Media Giants Bad For Democracy,” Austin Chronicle, October. http://www.austinchronicle.com/news/1999-10-15/74276/
1999. Gillian Steward, “Rich Media, Poor Democracy: An Interview with Robert W. McChesney.” Media
1999. Sue Bushell, “Techno-Feudalism,” CNET Australia, 20 August. 1999. Camilla Lai, “Chi e Robert W. McChesney,” Caffe Europa, 23 July.
1999. Sue Bushell, “McChesney on Media and Democracy,” The Bulletin (Australia), June.
1999. Nathalie Collard, “Robert W. McChesney: le journalisme n’est plus ce qu’il etait,” Le 30,
1998. “The Internet and Corporate Media: An Interview with Robert W. McChesney.” Free Speech TV Website, November.
1998. Kirsten Singleton, “Corporate media, democracy discussed,” The Spectator (Eau Claire, Wisconsin), 17 September, p. 4A.
1998. “Media Marketing Madness: Interview with Robert McChesney,” National Radio Project, 28 October. http://www.radioproject.org/transcript/1998/9843.html
1998. Joan Curry, “Democracy in Danger,” AGM Newsletter (New Zealand).
1998. Carrie Brown, “Corporations pull strings of media, scholar says,” Eau Claire Leader Telegram, 15 September.
1998. Mark Revington, “Ad Infinitum: Commercially saturated broadcasting is just plain bad for democracy, says US academic,” Listener (New Zealand), 13 June, pp. 22-23.
1998. Per Haddal, “TV-journalistikken – mer informashow enn informasjon,” Aftenposten (Oslo, Norway), 7 June, p. 15.
1997. Philip Preville, “The Cesspool of Commercial Journalism: An Interview with Robert McChesney,” The Mirror (Montreal), 11 December.
1997. Alex Strachan, “Public broadcasting hangs in the balance, says critic,” The Vancouver Sun. 3 December. p. C6-C7.
1997. Ray Conlogue, “Writer decries media concentration,” The Globe and Mail (Toronto). 2 December, p. A13.
1997. Anthony J. Palmeri, “On Cultural Studies and Radical Politics: Movements, Critique of Capitalism, and Rhetoric,” Journal of Communication Inquiry, Vol. 21, no. 2 (Fall).
1997. Mike Boone, “Public broadcasting airs on the side of caution,” The Gazette (Montreal). 2 December, p. F9.
1997. “The Future of Democratic Media: An Interview with Robert W. McChesney.” Corporate Watch Website, 24 October. http://www.theexperiment.org/?p=1352
1997. Martin Rayala, “Bob McChesney Fights for Working-Class Media,” Telemedium: The Journal of Media Literacy. Vol. 43, No. 2-3, (1997): p. 17.
1997. David Peterson, “The Global Media: An interview with Edward S. Herman & Robert W. Mch. McChesney,” Z Magazine, Vol. 10, No. 10, October: pp. 25-30. http://www.zcommunications.org/the-global-media-by-david-peterson.html
1997. Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, “McChesney points to media bias, calls for reform.” Beyond the Classroom (Madison, Wis.). October, pp. 1, 7.
1997. David Peterson, “CMW Interview: Edward S. Herman and Robert W. McChesney,” Chicago Media Watch Newsletter, pp. 4-5.
1996. Dustin Beilke, “A Public Intellectual: Meet Bob McChesney, a UW professor who believes getting involved in controversy is part of his job,” Isthmus, November 1-7, pp. 1, 9-12.